do you have inner child pain?

does shame or guilt block your self love?

have you somehow lost your child like light?

or sometimes unable to face what you need to do? 


If you're resonating...


you may be one of many lightworkers, born on earth destined to self master. 


You may have been traumatised by your childhood or teenage years, and as painful as that is, pain can be a valuable passage for the soul, and it may have helped you to rapidly evolve & grow without the bond to your birth family that potentially could have kept you restricted.


There is a way to move through & elevate into your Divine birthright...  the pain can be healed, and genetic codes can be de-coded.  Your suffering can be overcome and mastered.


We can begin to restore your inner light.




heal & connect to your inner child through this self mastery journey


As you integrate light you can evolve into the qualities of a crystal child, restoring your divine potential.


Bringing all parts of your inner self together in a holistic way, growing emotionally & spiritually, you can hold a space for yourself to materialise your soul's yearnings. 

You can open your heart in a pure way, and at the same time become receptive to connect to the higher kingdoms and re-connect to the higher vibrations of global grid, weaving in the fifth dimensional crystal grid and the Christ grid. 


Engaging Teachings


Each Module contains unique content, presented in a highly comprehensive & understandable way.

Self Mastery Exercises


Guided journeys, exercises and practises to know thy self, and to help anchor and embody the teachings.

Healing Meditations


Encoded divine healing meditations to lift you into sacred realms & absorb subtle pranic elements of light.

be guided through the maze of your inner child healing


and find clarity through the spiritual initiations essential for the integration of light to be reborn as a crystal child;  

This journey can shift your consciousness from the inside out;

everything is prepared to upgrade the way you live with your true inner self,

to function from a higher level of consciousness,

to own your heightened sensitivity.


you'll complete each session feeling clear


and know exactly what you can do to reconnect to your innocence within, in an empowered way. 

You'll know how to 'be' as a highly evolved, sensitive and spiritually empowered being, radiating the purity and playfulness of your divine child.

As you master through your heart's painful blocks, you can live a fuller life - more connected, feeling loved and loving others.   

.unify in the power of your divine light, integrated with your healed inner child. 


full pay

  • Full year of access
  • 5 Modules of content rich trainings
  • 5 Meditations Activations
  • 4 guided Self Mastery exercises
  • Recommended Transference Healing procedures
  • BONUS: Mother Mary Severing Ceremony
  • BONUS:  Invocation to Mother Mary, Merlin, Archangel Zaphiel & Archangel Zachariel

Full of high frequency crystal & light technology


As the global grid heals and weaves itself now into a higher vibration, we're being given an incredible opportunity to crystallise and form light within us, connected to the higher frequency crystal & light grid that's forming. 

These teachings, and the frequency behind them, will support you to evolve WITH the new grid, maximising your foundations for wellness, building peace & heightening your spiritual potential.


Join me.

Step by step, you can begin to feel more whole inside, as you reconnect to the light of your divine inner child.

purchase this training for INSTANT ACCESS